What is HEPA air filter?

What is HEPA air filter?

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters stands for high quality filters that are capable of trapping 99.97% @ 0.3 microns or larger airborne particles in the air. And the micron is a short of “micrometer” or shown as a symbol of “μm“. HEPA air filters are composed of thousands of extremely fine fibers to intercept microscopic particles and larger ones. They can remove particulates in the air in a very effective way. 

They are also used in indoor air purifiers or in industries that require high efficiency quality, such as pharmaceuticals, power plants, food processing industries, aerospace and cleanroom, etc.

What is the filtration rating for EN1822 & ASHRAE standards? What’s the difference in between?

The filtration efficiency is differently rated around the world. The most common ones are European EN1822: 2009 & US MERV ratings. In Europe, HEPA filters are classified by EN1822 under MPPS (Most Penetrating Particle Size) testing method. While ASHRAE rating for MERV (Minimum Efficiency Rating Values) regulates MERV17 (99.97%@0.3 µm) or higher as HEPA filtration.

How does HEPA air filters work?

The applications of HEPA filters in your living surroundings can help trap the airborne particles and contaminants in the fine web of fibers and get rid of any sources of allergens, dusts, bacteria, smokes, and bad odors, etc.

FAQ for HEPA Air Fitlers

1. How long shall HEPA filters be replaced?

Ans: Normally, the HEPA filters’ service life can be around 12 months but still it shall depend on the application environments. When your surroudings are cleaner with few dusts, the lifespan can be even longer. 

2. What kind of particles HEPA filters can trap?

Ans: The HEPA filters can trap the dust particles 99.97%@0.3 µm that includes dust, pollen, hair, lint, dust mites, smog, bad odors, mold spores, cigarettes, bacteria, virus and allergens, etc.

3. What is micron?

Ans: A micron is a unit of measure that stands for 1 million of a meter. To be more specific, the human hair is approximately 70 micron, dust mites for 100-300 microns, and bacteria is about 1-10 microns.

4. What is the difference between synthetic fiber and glassfiber?

Ans: The HEPA synthetic fibers are commonly applied for indoor air purifiers which is more environmentally friendly but more expensive. While the glassfiber is mostly applied for industrial areas, hospitals, power plants, cleanrooms, commercial areas, etc., which is more cost saving.