How to Choose High-Temperature Filter Frame Material: Aluminum vs. Stainless Steel
When selecting the frame material for high-temperature filters, both aluminum and stainless steel offer distinct advantages and disadvantages.
Aluminum frames are lightweight, making them easier to install and handle, and they tend to be more cost-effective. However, aluminum frames are prone to deformation in high-temperature environments, which can compromise the filter’s sealing and reduce its lifespan.
On the other hand, stainless steel frames excel in high-temperature resistance. They maintain their shape even under extreme heat, ensuring long-term durability of the filter. The downside is that stainless steel is heavier and more expensive, which may increase the load on equipment and raise the initial investment.
In summary, if your application involves extremely high temperatures and requires greater stability, stainless steel is the more reliable choice. If you’re looking for a lighter and more economical option, aluminum frames may be more appealing. Choosing the right material based on your specific needs will yield the best results.